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Tweaks: Drupal, Wordpress, jQuery, Responsive development and LAMP

This blog post has tweaks, snippets or fixes not in their detail versions but aid in rapid prototyping during development. Focused around Drupal 7, Wordpress, jQuery, Zurb Foundation and LAMP.

Webform PayPal integration in Drupal 7

If you have used Webform module in Drupal it would have occured at some point: what if it could be further extended to support payment checkout? Good news is you can since Drupal modules are closely tied to its API. Some interesting statistics on Drupal 7 API:

Uncluttered Drupal form tooltips with jQuery

Making Drupal sites certainly requires lots of know-how, trial and error, some research and lots of tea! While creating the new version of Raven Developers on Drupal 7 it was evident that a lot had changed in API, theming and overall interface since Drupal 6. Improvements to front and back-office with use of overlay Seven admin was a big relief. Believe more is on the way lets wait and see for next major release of Drupal 8.

How to theme Nice Menus as Table Based Menu

First things first, Drupal gives great amount of flexibility to both Module Developers and Site Developers, whether its about theming or creating your own little module that integrates into Drupal. For any thing to be themed ie. anything uses or calls Drupal theme() function there is an opening for developers to change default theming. So, for Nice Menus just check out the source code of this module where we have the theme() function call or lets say the theme hook, it takes place exactly at these two functions which are of our interest:

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