October 2012

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Uncluttered Drupal form tooltips with jQuery

Making Drupal sites certainly requires lots of know-how, trial and error, some research and lots of tea! While creating the new version of Raven Developers on Drupal 7 it was evident that a lot had changed in API, theming and overall interface since Drupal 6. Improvements to front and back-office with use of overlay Seven admin was a big relief. Believe more is on the way lets wait and see for next major release of Drupal 8.

Howto use Wordpress Jetpack on localhost

This has bugged many users, coders and web addicts. As soon as Jetpack was out it has become an essential plugin for Wordpress. Instead of updating, maintaining and piling up all those "must have" plugins Jetpack has all the essentials with a niche and it comes straight from Automattic labs. The way we are going to make this work is making Jetpack believe that it has been connected to Wordpress. So, lets see what happens when you install Jetpack on localhost maybe something like below:

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