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Tweaks: Drupal, Wordpress, jQuery, Responsive development and LAMP

This blog post has tweaks, snippets or fixes not in their detail versions but aid in rapid prototyping during development. Focused around Drupal 7, Wordpress, jQuery, Zurb Foundation and LAMP.

Howto use Wordpress Jetpack on localhost

This has bugged many users, coders and web addicts. As soon as Jetpack was out it has become an essential plugin for Wordpress. Instead of updating, maintaining and piling up all those "must have" plugins Jetpack has all the essentials with a niche and it comes straight from Automattic labs. The way we are going to make this work is making Jetpack believe that it has been connected to Wordpress. So, lets see what happens when you install Jetpack on localhost maybe something like below:

The Wordpress Loop

Everyone knows about the great Open Source Blogging tool known as Wordpress available due to the efforts of thousands of developers contributing from all over the world to make this one amazing kick start Blogging Tool that gets you ready in a few minutes to start your own Blog.

How to theme Nice Menus as Table Based Menu

First things first, Drupal gives great amount of flexibility to both Module Developers and Site Developers, whether its about theming or creating your own little module that integrates into Drupal. For any thing to be themed ie. anything uses or calls Drupal theme() function there is an opening for developers to change default theming. So, for Nice Menus just check out the source code of this module where we have the theme() function call or lets say the theme hook, it takes place exactly at these two functions which are of our interest:

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